Wednesday, September 5, 2007

My article was called "What Else is New?" by Steven Shapin. In this article he talks about technology changes throughout time and how different inventions have taken the place of different things over time. It also talks about what could have been if something else was not invented. For instance if different medications were not invented to replace other medicines then would the other medicines still be in effect. Shapin talks about technology in World War II and how it contributed to the outcome. He talks about new technology coming out but people not knowing how to use it. Some technology is becoming too high-tech for even the people that invent it. Shapin's tone is relaxed throughout the article but at the same time he is focusing on the main points and trying to get his point across. The structure is pretty straight forward and focuses around one thing mainly, technology. He uses different refrences in time like the war and things happening in todays society. His word choice is good because he does not lose the reader in huge words the whole time. He does a good job of explaining himself throughout the article. He expresses himself very well and does a very good job of getting his point across. He likes to use quotes from other in the past about what they thought about the technology and where it is going in our society. This article is probably not good for younger crowd if you aren't into reading about this kind of stuff for fun. Although if you like reading about these things then it is not too hard of reading for say high school students at the youngest. I enjoyed reading this article because it kept me interested the whole time. It was very informative I agreed with what it was saying.


cmd9488 said...

I bet this article was extremely interesting. I think I would have loved to read about how he thought technology changes things and especially about how it would be if medications are not advanced. I think you are right when you say some people might find this boring if your not into this type article. I liked how basic it was and yet very informative.

btpashby said...

Nice blog! The article definetely seems like it would be informative. This seems like an article that I might enjoy reading.

RiCuS said...

Good blog. You elaborated on all the key parts very well. I also like the manner in which you put tone, structure, voice, and diction into your blog. It was really good and easy to read and understand.

TigerGrl said...

i liked how you mentioned that in his article technology is getting even to advance for the people creating it. I also think that this would be a very good informative interesting article.

aoski said...

This article sounds like it would be very interesting and informational to read. You did a nice job bringing in the tone, diction, structure, and voice into your blog.