Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My Style

My style is brief and to the point. I don't use many big words in my writing because that is not who I am. I do not go around talking sophisticated so I do not write like I do. I like to get to the point as quickly as I can the easiest way I can. Sometimes I think my writing is not as good as it should be. I use the word "you" a lot when I am comparing things and I need to work on not doing that so much. Also sometimes I say the same things more than once. I can't think of things to say so I just repeat myself without knowing it. That is another quality I need to work on. I try to write so that everyone can understand me. Sometimes when I am reading other peoples writing I don't know what some of the words mean which means I have to take time to look them up. I just like to use words that I know and most people will know so people do not get confused when they read my writings. I should expand my vocabulary more but I have not developed into that well of a writer yet. Hopefully doing all this writing will help me in the long run.


Bekah said...

Yeah you do repeat yourself in your writing. (I do to) If you're like me you do it when you have an assignment like these where the thought doesn't necessarily flow. Although I do see some cases where you could have been a little more explanatory, like what don't you like about Abercrombie and Fitch music besides its being to loud? Anyway I think it's hard to judge someone's writing from these little essays alone just because they are so weird and random.

cmd9488 said...

I really appreciated how honest you were. I saw what you said but I also saw how you got your thoughts out. You did not need a bunch of mumbo jumbo to say what you needed to say. That is just fine. I thought your comparison of food and basketball was really interesting. I would not have thought of that. The abercrombie one was good too. Very funny and very true!

Anonymous said...

I repeat myself a lot to...sometimes. I wish I could be like you and get straight to the point in my essays but, because of the teacher I had in high school, I have to lead up to this and that. I hate doing that crap. It's always nice to have a paper that's short, sweet, and straigth foward.

EJ Daniel said...

I like how honest you were with yourself. It's hard for people to do that when it comes to pointing out their flaws and strengths.

RiCuS said...

My writing style is exactly like yours! I dont like to beat around the bush! I use small words (words that I would use in every day language) instead of huge words that do not fit my style!

Kameshia Williams said...

Yeah you describe me in one fast wrap up because i tend to do the same thing from time to time but hey if we were taught a broad vocabulary as children we wouldnt be encountering this type of problem